Creativity is collaborative. (At least it is for me.) And this year, I’m on a mission to create more.

Is there a project we can work on together? Here are a few ways I can help you (by location):
1. On camera/on stage/in the booth, an actor for hire: commercials, video games, mocap, animation, television, film, theater, hosting and modeling. We can work on anything from experimental projects to broadcast-ready work. So far, I’ve been the voice of a few brands, played a video game goddess, done yoga on a vampire show and played a singing peasant girl with big dreams.
2. At your event, behind the scenes – stage management, talent wrangling, production coordination, voice of god, happy helper. It’s fun to get your steps in AND help produce a live show. My last project included working with a Kardashian and a dish of grilled crickets. (Not at the same time.)
3. In your office or classroom as a brand strategist and storytelling consultant – research and consulting on product launches, personal brands and big business ideas. (My clients range from artists and musicians to Fortune 500 companies.) I’ve also taught how to apply the principles of storytelling to your brand + business at companies like Microsoft, Boeing and at my alma mater UCLA Anderson.
How can we make things together? I’d love to work with you. PM me for details.
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