I’m thrilled to provide the narration for the second installment of Robert W. Walker’s crime thriller series, featuring Dr. Aurelia Murphy Hiyakawa, psychic and FBI investigator. Deja Blue, is now available for download here! Want to win a FREE audiobook download? Here’s what to do: 1) Order DEJA BLUE between NOW and 11:59 p.m. Pacific February […]
Tag Archives | narration
Coming Soon: Deja Blue on Audible.com!
The sequel to PSI: Blue is coming to life in audiobook format. DEJA BLUE, by Robert Walker, follows the adventures of Dr. Aurelia Hiyakawa as she attempts to solve the case of a serial murderer in Charleston, West Virginia. I’m honored to provide the narration in this sequel to PSI: BLUE! To listen to the […]
It’s here! PSI: Blue now available on Audible.com
I’m excited to announce that my newest project has been released for download on Audible.com! As I teased earlier last month, I narrated a crime thriller called PSI: Blue, written by Robert W. Walker. It’s the first in a series of novels about an FBI investigator named Aurelia Hiyakawa, who solves cold cases using her […]
Coming Soon: “PSI: Blue” on Audible.com
For those of you who love to read by listening, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve lent my voice to a crime thriller written by Robert W. Walker, entitled PSI:Blue. Keep an eye on this page and I’ll post the link as soon as it’s available. If you’re curious about the book, you can download the […]
All that Glitters, also Glows in the Dark
I’m proud to have provided VO for a series of “How-To” videos featuring products by Rust-Oleum. And now there are 6 new Rust-Oleum how-to demos added to the series, now 15 videos in total! Check out the videos for Rust-Oleum Glass Family, Flexi-Dip Tips & Tricks, Ultra Cover 2x Spray, Glow in the Dark Max Spray Paint, Glitter […]
3 More DIY projects with Rust-Oleum Products
I’m proud to have provided VO for a series of “How-To” videos featuring products by Rust-Oleum. And now there are 3 new products added to the series! Check out the videos for Rust-Oleum Mercury Glass Effect, NeverWet and Flexi-Dip Spray. Surf on over to their YouTube Page to subscribe and see all the cool DIY projects you can do with Rust-Oleum products. Mercury […]