Everyday Storytelling isn’t just for Actors, it’s for you too.

Photo Credit: Flickr / Jean-Etienne Minh-Doi Poirrier

Photo Credit: Flickr / Jean-Etienne Minh-Doi Poirrier

As an actor, my job is to tell stories.  Out loud, on stage, on screen.  For the education and entertainment of others.  But once upon a time, I studied marketing.  And I worked as a consultant and a marketing professional, to create and manage huge brands and budgets.  And when you’re working with large groups of people, some of whom may not share your goals, your job is also to tell stories.  Not just boring, run of the mill, blah stories – great stories that get your point across and people (and resources) on your side.


This is what I call “Everyday Storytelling.”  These are the presentations we make in conference rooms, at trade shows, the opening closing arguments in court (or mock trial, if we don’t regularly litigate).  These are the pitches we give at trade shows and in meetings, and the ad hoc discussions that become the linchpins of our careers – often off the cuff chats between meetings or over a drink.  How you tell your story – the story of your work, your product, your client – is a story only YOU can tell.


If you’ll let me, I’d like to help you tell that story, better.  How?  With tools, tips & tricks from the acting world:  the “games” we play as actors are great tools for you, too.  They’ll loosen you up, help you trust your memory & intuition, and be more nimble. Here are a few examples:

  • Improve your “networking” and people memory skills
  • Get comfortable with uncertainty – like when the projector breaks, your co-presenter gets sick, and you’ve got some aggressive folks throwing Q&A at you like grenades
  • Improve your stage presence, while still allowing you to be yourself
  • Clarify your personal Storytelling style – the way you present is uniquely yours: play to your strengths, and work the areas that need a little TLC


If this seems like something you, or your team might benefit from, I invite you to set up a time to connect with a quick call.

This call is ONLY for you (or your team/organization) if:

1)     You want to change and are willing to take the steps to do so.

2)     You have the strong desire to make the investment (in time, energy, and money) to make this change happen.

If both describe you, I truly believe that things can be different for you, and that I can help get you there.


If that’s the case, you can schedule time to speak with me here: meetme.so/Ratana




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