My background is in marketing and branding, so it’s no surprise that I have a personal bias for knowing your personal brand. Whether you’re a company or a solo artist – knowing what gifts you bring to the world, and having a way to communicate that clearly and succinctly is something I think everyone can work […]
Tag Archives | info
Red Shirt Networking: How to Commit Social Suicide in 4 Words or Less
Last week, I was invited to attend a “networking event” at a swanky hotel in Beverly Hills. Those in attendance were (presumably) all alums of a certain school, and all working, or trying to work, in the Entertainment Industry. I was invited as a guest of an alumnus of the school. Networking Events are essentially this: […]
My Determination List
Nearly 4 years ago, I had the opportunity to take voiceover classes from the most excellent and extremely talented Richard Horovitz. If you don’t know who he is, Google him or scroll through his massive IMDB profile. He’s the voice of Invader Zim, and Billy of “The Adventures of Billy and Mandy,” and so, so, […]
So What’s The Good News?
On the art of the audition and marketing oneself, a VO instructor once counseled her students that the game was about “Selection, not Rejection.” And in this brave new world filled with economic uncertainty, reduced advertising budgets, and an entertainment industry still woozy from the writer’s strike, those words were never more true. In the time since […]
A Very Merry Recessionary Christmas
After so many years of avoiding the malls between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, I decided to go last weekend. In a time when pink slips have replaced holiday bonuses in many households, and the news is filled hourly with tales of economic hardship, it’s hard to pull out the wallet and bring home armloads of […]
Lessons from a Trapeze
Several months ago, I joined a group of girlfriends to celebrate one of their birthdays. The honoree’s activity of choice was not typical: rather than a spa day or a girl’s night out, she chose for us to take a flying trapeze class at a local circus school. Sounds crazy, and I’m sure we all […]