Why I Run

It’s the middle of February, and I’m working on a personal goal: to run 1,000 miles in 2016.
TNT_WhyIRun_ScreenCapAs part of that goal, I’ve been running with my friends at Team in Training (TNT), raising funds on behalf of The Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS). And training to run my first trail race in April. (This one.)

It’s my 5th season running with TNT, and while there are many many reasons to run, this year, I chose to run for someone specific. Her name is Carla, and she’s the mom of one of my teammates and friends, Hannah.

Last September (2015), as Hannah, another friend Leah and I prepared for the Disneyland Half Marathon in Anaheim, Hannah got some shocking news. Her mom had been diagnosed with leukemia. Since the three of us met through TNT, and had run many a race to raise money for LLS, we all were familiar with the words. But on that afternoon, everything hit home.

Hannah was a trooper. She kept a smile on her face and ran easily and speedily through her half marathon, and then high-tailed it home to be with Carla. Carla’s gone through all the protocols – the chemo and radiation, the hair loss. All the stuff that goes with it. And last week, 2 days after Hannah completed the LA Marathon, Carla underwent a bone marrow transplant.

I’ve been doing some goofy things to raise money this time around. Partially because it helps to break the seriousness of ‘disease’ with some levity and fun. And mostly because I’m serious about wanting to see a cure for cancer in our lifetime.

You can see why I run, here.

If you’re feeling so inclined, I’d like to invite you to join me:

  1. Join the bone marrow registry at Be the Match. This is especially important for people with unique blood types and people of color – they have the hardest time finding donor bone marrow that matches their own.
  2. Make a donation of any amount to LLS. My team and I are hoping to collectively raise $250,000 to name a research grant in honor of Carla Conway, who is currently fighting AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) with a huge smile on her face.

If you do either (or both) of the above, let me know who you’re registering/donating for in the comments.



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