Photo Credit: Ratana
#tbt The choice to turn pro as a #vo or stay the course in marketing. I had a job offer in my pocket. I knew the people and the work. It would be so easy to slide into a new steady paycheck.
In my mind, working for myself was a pipe dream. I envisioned days where I went from studio to studio for gigs, after spending the morning auditioning in my (nonexistent at the time) home studio. It felt like forever away.
My bf at the time worked for himself, and said, “just wait til you see how hard working for yourself can be.” My roommate at the time joked I’d sell the couches for rent money. Well-meaning “friends” asked pointed ( = rude) questions about my finances. My mom worried about losing face, because her eldest daughter wanted to give up her brand name job for art.
My heart told me to jump. We would figure out the path along the way. So I did. It wasn’t easy. It was scary AF. It was also the most freeing thing I have ever done for myself.
That was just over 7 years ago. That pipe dream I described has come to pass. I continue to dream bigger dreams. I am still growing and learning, but I am here. As I write this, I’m prepping for a gig, excited to start yet another new project for a new client. I am grateful. I am lucky. I am happy.
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, the only step that matters is the next one. And the next one. Take that step, make that leap. You’ve got this. ❤️🙌🏽✨
(Note: This post originally appeared on my IG. I’ve reposted it here with minimal edits for formatting.)
[…] I wrote about how I turned pro, and in addition to a lovely outpouring of cheers and supportive comments, I also received a number […]