Getting beyond “only so far” with The Coachzing Show

We were told, growing up, that if you kept your head down and worked hard, you’d be recognized and rewarded for your hard work.

We were told, in school, that if you played by the rules, and worked hard, you’d be recognized and rewarded for your hard work.

We were told, at some point in our working lives, that if you checked all the boxes, worked hard, and played nice in the sandbox, you’d be recognized and rewarded for your hard work.

The reality is that’s not quite the truth.

The truth is, hard work only gets you so far. Playing by the rules only gets you so far. Putting your head down only gets you so far. You also have to be able to share what you are doing with others. You have to be able to tell them why you do what you do. And you have to be able to tell others why they should work with you… instead of anyone else your customer could spend their time and money with. You need to be able to tell your story.


But what if you’re not sure where to start?



Enter The Coachzing Show. I was honored to be a guest on Doug Foresta’s podcast, where we discussed:

  • Why you need to be able to articulate your story
  • Where to draw inspiration (it’s closer than you think!)
  • How you can brainstorm starting points for your story
  • The key building blocks of a great story

If you’ve got about 20 minutes, I hope you’ll take a listen here. And share what you’ve learned in the comments!

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